PAPER (2024)

Stabilizing reinforcement learning control: A modular framework for optimizing over all stable behavior


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[PDF] [arXiv]

Stabilizing reinforcement learning control: A modular framework for optimizing over all stable behavior by Nathan P. Lawrence, Philip D. Loewen, Shuyuan Wang, Michael G. Forbes, R. Bhushan Gopaluni
Figure 2: 100 time steps of input-output data are collected using a standard normal probing signal. The recursion in Eq. (6) is used to continue the rollout. This is done several times for different samples of output noise. The bottom figure is the evolution of the spectral radii for the noisy and noise-free matrices.

Click to enlarge image.


We propose a framework for the design of feedback controllers that combines the optimization-driven and model-free advantages of deep reinforcement learning with the stability guarantees provided by using the Youla-Kucera parameterization to define the search domain. Recent advances in behavioral systems allow us to construct a data-driven internal model; this enables an alternative realization of the Youla-Kucera parameterization based entirely on input-output exploration data. Perhaps of independent interest, we formulate and analyze the stability of such data-driven models in the presence of noise. The Youla-Kucera approach requires a stable 'parameter' for controller design. For the training of reinforcement learning agents, the set of all stable linear operators is given explicitly through a matrix factorization approach. Moreover, a nonlinear extension is given using a neural network to express a parameterized set of stable operators, which enables seamless integration with standard deep learning libraries. Finally, we show how these ideas can also be applied to tune fixed-structure controllers.

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